Campaign for a Healthy California

Moving from the ACA to Medicare-For-All

chc-banner-logo-final2Some states and organizations are already thinking past just the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). In 2017 states will be eligible to improve upon the ACA and implement a plan that is truly universal and finally gets costs under control. Leading the way in California is the Campaign for a Healthy California (CHC), a coalition of organizations committed to moving California further along the road of health care reform. One of the most active—and informed—voices, CHC’s goal is to develop a strategy and plan to win Improved Medicare for All in California.  Find out more here.


Mark Dudzic of the Labor Campaign for Single Payer

Mark Dudzic of the Labor Campaign for Single Payer

As a recent gathering of the CHC, Mark Dudzic, Coordinator for the Labor Campaign for Single Payer gave a detailed analysis of the pros and cons of the ACA, and its impact on collective bargaining: “No union today can bargain without facing a demand of hard choices on health care coverage in our contracts. The absence of a social model health care system significantly depresses our members’ wages, despite the productivity gains their work produces”.  Read more about labor’s push in California for single payer.

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